Friday, December 09, 2005

Christmas Bible Quiz

I am enjoying leading JESUS IN THE GOSPELS this year. Although I feel fairly confident in my understanding of the Gospels, I find that I am a bit rusty on the details. Which story is in which Gospel? The who, what and when really are important parts of the message. When I share this Christmas quiz with others, I discover that I am not the only one who needs to periodically review the facts. Last week the Confirmation class took the challenge.

The biblical Christmas story appears only in Matthew 1:18-2:23 and Luke 2:1-21. Do you know the story? Try answering these questions:

1. Mary rode on what animal on the journey to Bethlehem?
2. How soon after they arrived in Bethlehem was born?
3. In what sort of building or cave was Jesus born?
4. What animals were gathered about the manger?
5. How many Wise Men brought their gifts to Jesus?
6. How did the star compare in brightness with other stars?
7. Did Joseph meet the Wise Men?
8. What was the name of the angel who appeared to Joseph in a dream?
9. Was Jesus born in the winter?
10. Why was the child called Jesus?

This quiz was originally in the Virginia United Methodist Advocate.

Scroll down for answers

Answers 1-9 are not found in either Gospel. Read the texts again and see what they do say.

10. He was called Jesus “for he will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21)

In addition to re-reading the Bible, there are several websites and software programs that can help us learn/review Bible facts. This one is helping me remember the details.

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