Friday, August 26, 2005

Interpreter Magazine

This month we are able to read how other United Methodists live their discipleship at work in the Interpreter, a wonderful idea filled publication for United Methodists. Now also on-line, we can learn much about what is happening in our Church and discover ideas and resources for our own ministries. If you see anything that interests you, let me know.

By the way, the author of the World Communion worship resource, Ciona Rouse, is from South Carolina. She lived in this area when her father, Louonne Rouse, was pastor at Joseph B. Bethea UMC.


Anonymous said...

La Estrella Resplandeciente, a ministry supported by churches in the Rocky Mount District of the North Carolina Annual Conference, provides Hispanics a place to worship in Spanish on Sunday evenings and also serves as a focal point to meet other needs.

From "Interpreter"

Rev. Jean said...

You will be happy to know that similar ideas have begun to emerge in our planning process for the coming year. Wouldn't it be exciting if our facilities were used to help meet emerging community needs?