Thursday, August 25, 2005

As the School Year Begins

May this prayer give each of us direction to these days.

God, as a new school year begins, help me to remember the needs and prayers of children, parents, and teachers. The busyness is great and the challenges seem so many.

I pray for a safe and healthy environment that will spark curiousity and the love of learning. Be with the teachers who devote themselves to educating our children. May they always exhibit dedication, imagination and concern. I especially pray for.....

I pray for parents who have been given the gift of children. May they uphold the trust, hope and dreams of these children through their love and care. Direct them in all that they say and do. I especially pray for.....

I pray that all children become that which You mean them to be. May each day be filled with the joy of learning. Help me always to remember those children who have no one to pray for them or protect and guide them. I especially pray for....

I pray for church and community leaders that they demonstrate an investment and priority in our children. I especially pray for....

In your tender mercy, O God, encourage and strengthen me in faithful living. Amen.

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