Saturday, March 21, 2009

A Visit With Norm

What a nice discovery to find that Norm Jones has a blog! Norm was our first Duke Intern five years ago. As with each one since then, we like staying in contact and learning about their ministries. His blog gives us insight into what it is like to be the pastor of a four-point charge and to where his heart is. It is good to know that we have been a part of his journey.

1 comment:

Norm Jones said...

Thanks so much for the shoutout. I'm taking my cue from you and giving the blog thing a try. Decided to make it my spiritual discipline for lent. Create a blog and then post something weekly. I've loved it thus far. Maybe it will bless someone else but has definitely been freeing for me. Thanks for the encouragement. I'm still learning. Any clue how you can get the blog to appear in a search engine? I know when i search for revjean your blog always comes up as a choice. Can't believe Jack is 4! Congrats and much love to the folks at MB