Saturday, January 10, 2009

Full Moon

As the skies darkened tonight, a nearly full moon caught my attention. I prevailed upon Ron to capture this beautiful sight with his camera so that I could share it. The official full moon is tomorrow night, but the weather forecast indicates that we might not see much of it in Myrtle Beach. The moon in any stage can capture our imagination and cause us to cast poetic thoughts into our conversation and writing. I envy those who can include such moments in poems and prose. However, I can enjoy reflecting on its beauty both today and days past, especially the memories of a winter moon reflecting across the snow covered fields of the family farm in Ohio. Tonight’s moon reminds me of Andrew Wyeth’s Full Moon, a print hanging in my home for many years. There are many biblical references to the moon including Psalm 8:3-4 telling us of God's creative power and goodness. Watching this bright solitary light climb across the silent winter sky seems to be a precursor of the healing that night can bring to the soul. May it be so.

1 comment:

mbeachRN said...

You are so faithful to your blog. I always enjoy reading it. It was wonderful sharing worship together yesterday. I am blessed to have my dad be a preacher, so I always feel at "home" with other pastors. I appreciate all the work the pastors and staff at FUMC do! Hope to see you again soon. Have a blessed week! Love, Maria