Saturday, October 18, 2008

Let Wisdom Guide

This week I discovered that GBOD Research and News and Views by Dan Dick has some very interesting information and thought for our congregations. Dick has been analyzing and writing about what is happening in our churches for a number of years and offering insight as to what effective structures, leadership and processes might look like. Topics found in his posts include: mega-church, blaphemediocrity, ecumenism and environment. I have added it to my blog reader.

The trials and traumas of working my way though reading papers for candidates seeking ordination have occupied my late nights earlier this week. My friend, Stephen Taylor, is writing about this and I recommend his blog for good insight about the process. In addition to papers answering disciplinary questions, the Call and Disciplined Life Committee which I chair must review issues of health, credit, academics, psycological tests, recommendations and security checks. I spent four hours on Friday in Columbia making sure all is in order for our November meeting with the candidates at White Oak. These multiple pieces of paper can be very revealing about whether candidates are ready for effective ministry. Mainly, there will be questions asked about excessive debt and weight and careful responses given to help the candidates understand why their answers are important.

The fall meeting of the Spartanburg Methodist College trustees was Thursday and our focus was whether we stay the course with our strategic plan or modify in light of the economy and other factors. Basically, we decided to proceed as planned. I never fail to be impressed by the dedication and commitment of other trustees, staff and President Teague. Many challeges face us as we try to fulfill the historic mission of this college.

I think that it is interesting to note that I am working on a sermon for Monday night about wisdom – James 1:5. Perhaps, this is the word I need to hear at this time as I walk through some of the before mentioned matters.

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