Monday, May 19, 2008

This I Believe - Part Two

Following confirmation a week ago Sunday, Ron and I drove to Ohio to visit my parents. Along the way we listened to the audio book, This I Believe. This compilation of essays from both the original and current radio broadcasts of personal reflections on beliefs and philosophies captivated our hearts and minds as we traveled. Voices of ordinary and extraordinary people revealed positive insights shaped by a variety of experiences. We especially enjoyed the timeless thoughts of persons like Helen Keller, Eleanor Roosevelt, Jackie Robinson and Edward R. Murrow. Their personal creeds are based on both religious and cultural understanding of salvation. These expressions of love and liberty are often a call to action or at least a mandate to name those beliefs that shape and define us. How amazing that this experience followed on the heels of confirmation thoughts and was on the way to Ohio, the birthplace of my most formative beliefs and values. This trip soon became more than visiting family and memories; it became an important journey to clearer self-understanding. (Tim, I think this might qualify for a God Wink.)


Anonymous said...

You and Ron got to travel inside the experience of an event that I refer to as " the bubble of the supernormal". It is an extreme form of awareness wherein all sensory input is significant and applicable to the idea that sentience and Creation are so bound to each other that each heightened state of spiritual awareness poses the possibility that absolute sentience (omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence) is truly capable of absolute creation. The experience links us to the mind of God, and is itself absolute within the bubble. How deflating to have to step out of the bubble for a mundane,"Fill 'er up".

P.S. Trying to produce the bubble to experiment with the idea of attaining greater awareness and thus more significant communion with the creator does not produce the same effect as when the Creator sends you a bubble. Being aware that the bubbles are already there, however, is very useful.
P.S.S. No one can be added to a bubble who was not present when the bubble was entered. If the surface tension of the bubble is broken, the bubble is no longer.

Anonymous said...

It's very enjoyable reading your blog. Thank you for sharing. I hope you and Ron had a great time in Ohio. Trevor and I are going hiking/camping next week in VA and then will get a weekend at my parents in Murfreesboro, NC. Please pray for our safe travel and I look forward to seeing you again soon.
Love, Maria