Friday, May 25, 2007

Church Office

The inner workings of the church are usually a revelation to those who join a church staff including ours. In many ways, our church office is like most other offices. Personnel, policy and procedure matters shape what gets accomplished. Human short-comings sometime thwart our efforts and frustration creates tensions that have to be addressed. Newcomers can be disappointed in finding less than an idyllic setting. So, as we add new staff members it is important to lead them through an understanding of this reality without discouraging them. It becomes an opportunity for the rest of us to re-evaluate our way of being a church staff and it can be a growing point for us. So it has been with the addition of Amy and Ron. They are a blessing to us.

As our Duke intern, Nathan, joins us, we face similar concerns. We need to give him a realistic view of ministry from the inside, but not cause him to question his call to ministry. Our hope is that he will gain a healthy understanding of the complexities of parish ministry and be better prepared to address them in the years ahead. During his time with us, he can help us understand what it means to be in ministry in Myrtle Beach today. Nathan can be very important to how the staff works together to share God's love.

How a pilgrim meets and greets those along the way helps define the journey. "What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"
Micah 6:8.

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