Friday, June 30, 2006


A year ago this week I began writing this blog as a way of journaling my thoughts and sharing them with others. As a Christian educator, I was hopeful that this would be a way of offering some information that would be helpful to others on their faith journey. In some way, perhaps there would be a little light in my blog for those knowing darkness. Also, I had hoped that this would encourage a dialogue that would widen the scope of the topic presented. I am not sure that I can say my goals have been achieved, but I can say that blogging has been an important discipline for me. It has caused me to regularly reflect on a variety of everyday issues and to name them as faith matters.

What’s next after 210 posts? I think I will continue with this for awhile. As our church moves forward with some long range planning, this could be a place for conversation about what God needs us to be doing. Together, perhaps we can explore some of the complicated issues that are part of our culture especially as they relate to our faith. Christian values do include peace and justice issues, healthcare, human rights and environmental stewardship. I also plan to offer more reviews of books in our library. I live in hope.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Jean, on your 1st blog anniversary, and thank you!. You have indeed brought light into my corner of darkness, you have exposed me to sources of knowledge and insight, you have provoked introspection, and you have generally blessed me with words of faith, hope, and love. PLEASE continue. More than ever I look forward to reading your musings. You always bring a smile to my face or cause my heart to be "strangely warmed" and often both. You have created a new outlet for your ministy. Know that it has impacted at least one needy soul.