Friday, June 23, 2006

Healthy Eating Habits

At one time in my life I was a home economist and some of that knowledge resurfaces in my mind from time to time, especially when I see children feasting on fast food. Although, I know it is dated information, many of the basic principles remain the same. The importance of eating habits and its correlation to our health is an example. Articles about encouraging children to eat healthy food are everywhere. Yet, I know parents who are nearly obsessive about many aspects of their children lives, but allow their children to exist on french fries, sugar and little else. Homestyle cooking has some pitfalls also. Especially, menus that include overcooked vegetables and lots of starch can deprive a child of nutritious foods. This website has some good information. Also, I have heard several good programs on Parent's Journel discuss these matters. My ministry with children and their families may need to take on new dimensions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CDM is already there. Last week they sent home an article about childhood obesity. The article was quite good, but I was amused that it explicitly gave parents the right to say "no" to their child's demands for unhealthy foods. I don't need a magazine's permission to say no. Birthing conferred all of the authority I need.