Saturday, June 03, 2006

Sexual Ethics

Last Saturday I helped lead a sexual ethics workshop for clergy. Participants were those who will be receiving their first appointments at Annual Conference and have not had this required training. It was interesting to note the quiet resignation that all expressed for this necessity. Tragically, news headlines have made us aware that we have to take proactive and preventive measures even among those who should know better, our clergy. We have to anticipate potential situations where we might be vulnerable and establish appropriate behavioral patterns that reflect a healthy code of ethics. As our Conference policies state, “Sexual misconduct, harassment, and abuse are violations of the integrity of the body of Christ.”

Of course, there are many contributing factors when a breach in the covenant relationship we have with one another and God is violated. These need to be examined and we need to be held accountable for any transgressions so that healing of all parties involved can begin. I am glad that United Methodists are addressing these matters and working to truly create safe sanctuaries. However, there still seems to be a failure to equip our congregants in such a way that they go forth to create safe homes, schools and workplaces. How can we effectively do this? Hellfire and damnation sermons seem not to be the answer.

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