Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Claiming the Land

When I saw the above picture, my heart melted. Our grandson, William, was visiting my Ohio home. For a few days he had an opportunity to sense his rich heritage of those who love the land. The land is the canvas for telling our family story and each one of us knows what it means when we say, “the farm”. We remember the stories of each generation that has lived on this land and how the land has shaped them. Some members have stayed and others have moved on to other places taking a bit of the land’s story with them.

The Bible is the story of God’s people with God’s land and its promise. The biblical saga of the promised land is echoed in other stories through the ages including the Owens family. Five generations on this piece of land have trusted the earth for fruitful harvest and have known the sense of joy of belonging to an ordered and bountiful creation. Like the wandering Israelites, we have held fast to the promise of the land through times of tribulation. The land is our past, our present, and our future.

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