Friday, October 07, 2005

Children's Sabbath

This week we are joining many congregations, synagogues and mosques in remembering our call to meet the needs of children by being a part of the fourteenth annual National Observance of Children’s Sabbaths. The focus of this ecumenical and interfaith effort is “putting our faith into action to seek justice for children.” As I prepare the sermon for this Sunday, I am overwhelmed by the statistics of child poverty and neglect and am reminded of the following:

The Child’s Name is “Today”
We are guilty of many errors and faults
but our worst crime is abandoning the children,
neglecting the fountain of life.
many of the things we need can wait.
The child cannot.
Right now is the time bones are being formed.
blood is being made, senses are being developed.
To the child we cannot answer “Tomorrow.”
The child’s name is “Today.”
-Gabriela Mistral

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