Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Moving Day

Today is moving day for SC United Methodist clergy. Some will be moving to new churches, but all ministers mark this day as significant and lift prayers for congregations and pastors that are experiencing change. We know the history and polity of itinerancy. We know the value of this system. We also know the emotional turmoil that this often creates for those involved. So, today with sadness we say farewell to Scarlett and with excitement welcome Jonathan.

The success of clergy moves is not one-sided. The willingness of a congregation to embrace the newness that will be part of the days to come plays a large role in building a healthy relationship. Clergy are given all sorts of advice as to how to handle moves (although not always followed), but are congregations prepared? Sometimes I wonder if the cone of silence that surrounds these moves for months prior to moving day causes a congregation to circle the wagons in fear of what might be coming over the horizon. Perhaps we need to look again at how we handle this moving process in SC.


Anonymous said...

As one who moved this year, I wonder how much ministry is stymied by our lack of transitional planning and training. Ministers are not interchangable and we cannot just step into one another's shoes. I think it would be healthier for ministers, minister's families adn congregations if we said it aloud: Hey, there will be a change this year. How can we best prepare together?

Anonymous said...

I second that emotion