Lengthy, eloquent tributes abound as daughters and sons send greetings to their fathers this weekend, but I am thinking more in a ‘top-10” format as I remember my dad.
1. I have never had to question Dad’s love of my mother or his
2. With Mother, he has given us a sense of place, a home, that will always shape who we are.
3. Dad has taught us to appreciate the land on which we tread.
4. From his example, we learned at an early age what it means to be a good citizen and community servant.
5. As a faithful man of God, he has nurtured us in our discipleship.
6. If we tripped or fell on life’s path, he has always been there to catch us.
7. His love of reading has always been contagious.
8. Dad’s passion and care for animals has made us appreciate
all God’s creatures.
9. His ice cream gene has been successfully passed to children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
10. Dad’s appreciation of the restoring value of a good nap has always been modeled for us.
I love you, Dad!
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