Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Condemn or Create

Leonard Sweet is gifted at interpreting contemporary culture and how it influences the life of the church. Of course, he often rephrases these comments to question why the church does not do more to shape culture. After one more of those frustrating conversations with a church member about what the church needs to consider in its offerings to its members and the world beyond, I remembered these words of Leonard Sweet:

“…the church has four options when it comes to engaging culture: ignore it,imitate it, condemn it, or create it…”
…If the church ignores the culture, the culture will ignore the church.
…If we don’t shape the culture, the culture will shape us.
…If the church condemns the culture, the culture will condemn the church.
…If we’re serious about fulfilling the Great Commission and incarnating the gospel, we can engage culture by creating culture.
…the culture will treat the church the way the church treats the culture. And we’re not called to condemn. We’re called to redeem.”

The Church of the Perfect Storm p, 114

Think about it and and consider how we might act accordingly.


mbeachRN said...

Hi Rev. Jean,

You always have good thought provoking blog posts. Trevor and I have enjoyed the times we could attend a Wed. night fellowship, but we too face challenges with going. Our 12+ hr work days and also we don't usually eat dinner as early as 5 pm...but don't mind when we get to come...I've been adjusting to my energy levels being pregnant and I guess when a new baby arrives even more adjusting will come! I pray the church continues to bring people together and "we", the church members, make our Christian growth/journey a priority. Thank you for your thoughts. Blessings to you!

MBTom said...

Long time reader ... first comment! This is very good and should probably be read by many others. I personally think 'stay the course' is the right strategy. If we are a shining example ... people will follow. Thanks!