Sunday, August 10, 2008

Upside Down is Better

Recently, I have noticed that a lot of products are being packaged in upside down containers. Catsup, shampoo, hand lotion and various other items can now be stored on their tops so that the contents are easily dispensed. Instead of the frustration of squeezing and tapping these containers, we are readily rewarded with a splash, dash or glob. After years of battling jars, bottles and tubes, one has to wonder why someone hadn’t thought of this sooner. Such are many things in our lives. We have always done it this or that way and never consider making a change in how we do things. Then a sudden realization that upside down can be much more productive and we create a new normal in our lives. Such is Christianity for many of us. This kind of upside down living is what Christ models for us and only when we embrace it do we know the fullness of life.


Anonymous said...

Until pressure from "GREEN" groups forced their hands, corporations were eager to dissuade the public from utilizing a product to its max. The more left in the tube, the faster the consumer buys again. Common sense was sold as "too frugal, not hip, might be poor, you aren't good enough" to us for so long that we began to believe that waste was a sign of affluency and a good idea. Duh! For the same reasons, the weakest part of a toothpaste tube is the crimp at the bottom, specifically designed to rupture if a child squeezes from the middle of the tube. We have been duped for so long that we believe that maybe we just didn't think of a better way.
A better way has almost never been the most profittable way, and consequently, all the rights to many better ideas were bought and the ideas scrapped. The new "upside down" green approach also comes at a cost. The cap is oversized paving the way for bigger packaging and shelf space. Even with an oversized cap, the products are intentonally top heavy giving an advantage to gravity in the "topple over and break-spill-get-stepped on-in-the-dark" department.
Christianity is truly an upside down approach in a world obsessed with image, marketing and huge profit. tom

mbeachRN said...

Hello! I am enjoyed reading your blog for awhile now and along with my sister-in-law, Wendy, you both have inspired me to start my own blog. It's fun to do...sort of like an instant scrapbook when we add pictures...another sign of our I have lots of scrapbooking items and have not taken the time I should to make those special books. It's nice to have blogs, emails, e-cards etc but I still enjoy photo albums and cards we actually mail to people. Thanks for sharing with us on here!
