Thursday, January 24, 2008

Focus the Nation

After being overloaded on presidential primaries and economic woes, it is interesting to know that college students are calling us to focus on climate change and related environmental issues. Their understanding of this important topic might be the most important news of the week. We are proud of our daughter in-law, Kristen, and her leadership in Focus the Nation at Clemson University where she teaches. Our son offers some insight into her efforts on his blog.

Go, Tigers!


Anonymous said...

One of the most important points made on the clip in the blog was that"We are in the test tube". We can believe whatever we want to about how desperately we need to reverse greenhouse gas emissions and whether or not intelligence is just a temporary planetary experiment. We can table the discussion until the next meeting, and we can stick our heads into the sand. However the outcome will always affect us because in this cosmic experiment, "We are in the test tube"! That is irrefutable. Do we have to produce a generation of mutants to make facts impact action, or do we accept as fact that we purposefully ignore the facts because greed is the biggest fact of our lives?

Rev. Jean said...

Tom - Greed is the word. Today, columnist David Brooks of NY Times asks whether the "Greed Narrative" or "Ecology Narrative" will prevail. Check it out.