Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Model Teacher

In this season of calling persons to teach God’s Word, I wonder what we consider to be effective teaching? Jesus told of God and humanity through personal stories. Obviously, he had a creative imagination and incorporated his experiences of the world around him. He must have been a good listener, too. He understood his audience. He told his parables as a way to allow them to enter into the story. He left the conclusions and decisions to the ones who listened. It seems clear that the disciples never quite got it, but they became the Church.

I think we too often try to make our faith simple and easy to understand. We need not try to explain away the mystery, paradox and incomprehensibility of the faith. Struggling with these questions helps us define what is meaningful in our lives. It helps us establish an on-going conversation with God. If we are faithful, we must be attentive to our teaching ministry. Whom shall we call?


Anonymous said...

Maybe another question could be, "Whom do we recognize as having been 'called', and how do we motivate them to fulfill that calling?". Rather than "we" calling upon persons, let us just see those that God has called and present them with an opportunity.

Anonymous said...

"It seems clear that the disciples never quite got it, but they became the Church."
Is this a commentary on how clearly the Church sometimes "gets it"?

Anonymous said...

Forgive me, I am baiting to see if someone will comment on the contributions of Paul. Please pay no attention to the little man behind the curtain.

Anonymous said...

I think the church has taken a liking to numbers and stats to such a degree that it wants the Mysteries to be as clear as 2 + 2 = 4. Sometimes, we need to swim in the ocean of God's inexpicable nature ... wonder how the church can make that happen?