Saturday, July 07, 2007


Today’s news is the date…7-7-07. This numerical coincidence is being noted by those who are looking for a lucky day to be married and I am sure that gamblers are lining up to make bets on about anything. Toby Ward is 77 today. We recall that there are seven continents, Seven Wonders of the World and Stephen Covey’s Seven Habits… Wikepedia has a great list of the use of 7.

In Christianity, seven is the number of perfection. God rested on the seventh day, Paul lists seven gifts of the Spirit and Jesus spoke seven words from the cross. The number seven is especially prominent in the apocalyptic Book of Revelation, in which there are seven seals, seven churches and many other things numbering seven. Especially important to remember is that Jesus told Peter to forgive seventy times seven.

Heeding the message of Live Earth may be one of the better ways to observe today. It certainly would be easy to identify seven ways to reduce our personal carbon imprint.

P.S. Imagine my surprise tonight when I heard Al Gore encourage all to make a 7-point pledge to environmental responsibility during the Live Earth concert.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It certainly would be easy to identify seven ways to reduce our personal carbon imprint.

If people need to be "beaten over the head" with this information, I am applying for the job. Now is that the job of reinforcing the information or the beating over the heads? At this point, whichever is appropriate for the individual. We are senselessly nearing critical mass.