Sunday, April 15, 2007

Children's Sermons

This morning it was my turn to do the children's sermon. I continually struggle with what this needs to be. I believe there should be some substance to the message, "not cotton candy in a religious wrapper" as voiced by some Christian educators. Some of my pet peeves include playing to adult humor, embarrassing children, using adult language and object lessons that make no sense to a child's literal mind. But, how can this be done in a few minutes with a wide age range of children and no time for genuine dialogue? I read the experts, listen to workshop leaders and still remain frustrated. I am glad that we at First Church try to do something for the sermon that relates to the text. This helps identify the children's sermon as part of the whole and give children the understanding that they have a special place in our community. Also, I hope that what is said opens the door to further conversation in the hours or days ahead. Therefore, perhaps the best that we can do is to leave them with a single question and/or a thought to ponder - a spiritual nugget. I have also found it helpful to name and see the children in my mind and heart as I prepare these sermons. This seems to give me insight as to what might be signifcant to them and to their relationship with God. It also reminds me of the importance of this part of our worship. "Let the children come..."


Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wish we read the scripture while the children were still present.

Anonymous said...

I wonder....