Sunday, March 11, 2007

Hang It On The Cross

Recently in my devotional reading (ALIVE NOW-March/April 1995), I discovered a most interesting thought attributed to author, Madeleine L’Engle. In commenting about when competing claims upon our lives become overwhelming, she said that a 19th century Russian priest counseled his people to take what was too heavy for them and hang it on the cross. She has found this to be an important bit of advice and says that at five o’clock in the evening she does this. According to L’Engle, “I hang it all on the cross. If I had to take it home with me, that would mean I didn’t think God could take care of it. So I leave it there. If I’m meant to pick it up in the morning, it will be there. And if I’m not, it won’t be there.” Therefore she advises, “Hand it over to God and let it be. If God wants you to have it in the morning, God will give it to you.”

So during this time of Lent am I ready to do this as an act of faith? What worries do I need to hang on the cross?

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