Saturday, March 01, 2008

Everyday Blessings

Material and mundane matters seem to have been filling my thoughts lately and borrowing from Shakespeare and Steinbeck, I have been experiencing a winter of discontent. I have failed to see the interesting and profound in my days and as a result the blog postings have been sparse. In retrospect, this makes me very sad as I feel that everything in life is a potential blessing. It only depends on how we view it and what we do with it. There are elements of the sacred that underlie all facets of life. So once more I need to listen with my heart as I journey through Lent. The daffodils and tulips that we planted last fall offer a good place to begin as I seek a "thin place." (An early Celtic Christian metaphor for those times or places when the boundary between the sacred and the everyday feels “thin,” when God’s presence is more strongly felt.)

Each time I see their blooms they become moments of joy and these beautiful, simple words come to mind:

All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.

Thanks to Ron, another blessing in my life, and Pixel Pics for the photo.


Anonymous said...

Even your mundane, discontented posts offer inspiration. How amazing that you would mention a "thin place" just as I wrapped up some research on a "narrow place". How similar the terms, and how disparate their origins and translations. So, now I will leave Egypt, the narrow place of Israelite bondage and go to the Celtic thin place. I could not be happier for the insight. Bless all that you (that is plural)do. Sometimes thinking, waiting and listening run circles around the motions of active pursuits. Thanks. Tom

Anonymous said...

I have searched for God in Lent and to often found myself. Busyness that seems to be for the sake of busyness clouds my vision and the thin places seem more etheral and elusive than ever.