Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Endings or Beginnings?

The month of May is often defined by endings. Our children are finishing their school year and some will graduate. Our confirmation class has ended and MYF has concluded its regular schedule until fall. Our DISCIPLE and Companions in Christ classes are completing their studies. Wednesday Night Fellowship and our children's choirs are on hiatus until September.

As I watched the four year old class graduation at our Child Development Ministry, I realized that each of these endings is just a calling into a new beginning. Taking what is formative of these experiences, we know that we are to move to a new place in our lives. Part of our being soars at new possibilities, but part mourns with the pain of leaving behind the past. However, the One who moves with us blesses each of these moments and we hear, "Behold, I am doing a new thing." A new day dawns and the conversation with God continues in new and exciting ways.

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