Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Da Vinci Code Intrigue

Although I have never read the Da Vinci Code, the current conversation that surrounds it intrigues me. Two different persons have asked me if we are going to teach it. While I don't plan to "teach" it, I do believe that there is value in exploring the questions that are being asked. However, debate and a defensive posture are of little value in this offering. I think it is a good opportunity for us to have conversation about early Church history and the divinity of Jesus. Questions surrounding The Da Vinci Code could offer clues to the Jesus for which people are searching. I am pondering how we can best use this book/movie as an appropriate teachable moment.


Anonymous said...

I find it amazing that people lose sight of the fact that this is a work of fiction.I don't think we need to study the book,and it suprises me that some would think we should. Maybe there would be some value in studying it but I'm not sure. It is an interesting, exciting book, but that's it.

Anonymous said...

Although the Divinity of Christ is paramount, it might not hurt a thing to remind ourselves of the genius of Leonardo. God granted an extraordinary kind of genius to him for, I dare say, a good reason.