Saturday, January 09, 2010

Connect the Dots

Connect the dots has been the overused phrase of the week and I am ready for it to go away. However, it did give me a good focus for reflection during my road trip this past week. My life seems to have a lot of dots that aren’t always connected and this often leaves me sensing a great disconnect, another trendy word. My failure to post to this blog for many weeks is representative of how I am not reflecting and connecting the happenings of the world to my understanding of God as known through Jesus Christ. A new year offers the opportunity for new beginnings.

Tomorrow is known as Baptism of the Lord Sunday, a remembrance of new life. The story of the baptism in the Jordan is our story as it is that of Jesus of carpenter. It is a story about our foundational identity. As Jesus is immersed, a heavenly voice is heard: “You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased” (Luke 3:22) Not only is he called, son, God’s own child, but also beloved. In these simple words, the truth of spiritual life is revealed. We are God’s children, created in the divine image and likeness, and we are beloved. Our being has infinite worth. So as we are invited to renew our baptism, we connect to whose and who we are. This act nurtures the next stage of our spiritual journey. May it be for you and for me.

1 comment:

George said...

Welcome back! You have been missed!And yuu are so on target with your reflection on the used and abused phrase "connecting the dots." How apropos to our Christian lives. We profess to so many things as part of our faith, yet we obviously don't put them together and see the full relevance to living as true disciples of Christ every hour of every day. We seem to focus only on those dots that are convenient.
We had a "reafffirmation of the baptismal covenant" service at my churches last Sunday, something apparently neither congregation had ever experienced. I pray that I will experience a new beginning and realize that being in Christ is a full time opportunity.