Friday, October 30, 2009


Our grandchildren, Annaka and William, are both great first-grade readers and we are impressed by their proficiency. Parents, grandparents and other caring adults dutifully listen and praise them for their accomplishments. I know that our reading to them has been an important contributing factor to their learning to read and we have enjoyed doing this. However, I also know that reading experts urge us to continue this practice as it will further help develop our young readers’ skills. Vocabulary will be enhanced and imagination inspired as we carefully share good literature with them. Recently, I discovered such a book and can’t wait to share it with them.

Whitefoot is written by one of my favorite authors, Wendell Berry. Berry’s engaging prose takes both reader and listener on a fascinating journey with Whitefoot, a small mouse who lives at the edge of the woods. When the nearby river floods Whitefoot is carried into a strange new world and discovers that she can cope with the challenges - certainly a valuable life lesson. The portrait of this tenacious little mouse is not only drawn with well-crafted words, but also is enhanced by several pen and ink illustrations by Davis Te Selle. There is a lot within this small book for a young mind to ponder.


Anonymous said...

I am always looking for good books to share with my children. Thank you for telling me about this one! S

George said...

Sounds like a great gift idea for my younger daughter and two young sons. Thanks for the recommendation. By the way - do you get royalties?