Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Food for Thought

According to Eric Weiner in The Geography of Bliss, the following hand-painted sign was seen on the side of road in Bhutan:

"When the last tree is cut,
When the last river is emptied,
When the last fish is caught, only then will man realize that he can not eat money.


George said...

I have just returned from a trip to Egypt, where, among other things, Gail and I climbed Mt. Sinai and watched the sunrise. Quite a thrill!

What a joy, though, to find that your "hiatus" had ended. I have missed your perspectives, insights, and wisdom, and the spiritual guidance you provide. Perhaps absence does make the heart grow even fonder.

Anonymous said...

Somehwere recently i heard someone ask, "What was the guy thinking as he cut down the last tree on Eastyer Island?" Didn't they become cannabals after that?