Thursday, August 17, 2006

Thoughts about the News

There appears to be a major break in the JonBenet murder case. It certainly would be great for this horrible crime to be solved. However, once again the TV press is putting this front and center to the exclusion of stories of war, terrorism, human rights and other matters that probably have a more profound effect on the world. I feel like something of importance is going on behind my back as the press is not keeping watch for me. A whole evening of one news story that has few verifiable facts at this point is ridiculous. Since TV news is the main source of information for many persons, a limited view of what is happening in the world is presented and we will all suffer because of it. This is another reason we must have good newspapers. On-line ones count.

I found Issac Bailey’s blog to be very interesting today. It was about the Confederate flag. Some issues are not going away until we do the right thing even if it's in the name of athletics.

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