Through the ages repetition of action, such as saying the rosary or walking a labryinth, has been a most important part of prayerful meditation for many persons. This manner of living out a spiritual life has provided a way to enter into a sense of closeness to God. It has allowed the heart to hear what God is saying. In recent years, many women have discovered that the rhythm of knitting can give and offer similar comfort, peace and solace. I have found a sacred space in my day as I enter into a time of knit 3, purl 3 - God the Creator, God the Sustainer, God the Redeemer.
Groups of knitters have organized to express the loving care of God who works through them as they pray and create simple prayer shawls. At First UMC, these shawls are given to new mothers, persons recovering from illness or knowing grief or persons coping with difficult times. These gifts of love become on-going reminders of God's abiding presence in our lives. Wonderful moments of grace, epiphanies and revelation become the stories of those who share in this ministry.
I have found that knitting prayer shawls brings a special peace to my soul and allows me to offer God's blessing to those who need comfort and peace in a tangible way. I give thanks for a mother who taught me knit many years ago, to Shelby who directed me to help create this group, and to those who journey with me as we continue to Knit One - Pray One.
For additional information about prayer shawl ministry you may wish to read Knitting into the Mystery by Susan S. Jorgensen and Susan S. Izard. A copy of this is in the First UMC library. Using a search engine, one can find a number of sites that discuss prayer shawl ministry. One very helpful one is